20 ways to make money online NO INVESTMENTS

Yuwie is a chat web site that pays you to be an active member and refer people to their web site. It also offers features that could help you earn money in other ways besides the web site itself. It allows you to post rss feeds of sites as part of your profile page, which means that you can advertise your web site or blog 100% free, potentially drawing more traffic to your web site. It has members offering a lot of different ways to make money online so it could be a good help to you. Everyone's friendly(my opinion) and willing to offer good information to you to help you earn money online. The web site allows you to create your profile and earn money from them absolutely free, so there will be no fees for your efforts. If you wish to sign up, follow the link. Before you do, i want you all to know that this link is a referral by me, so I would be your sponsor. www.Yuwie.com

2. 6dgr.com
6dgr is yet another web site that pays you to chat. Unlike Yuwie, it has an extra package to it. Once you refer someone and they become active, you get paid for referring them and for them referring others. Then you get paid for that person referring someone and so forth until it gets 6 levels deep. Hope you are following me with this, because you could be making huge figures from this website (depending on how many people end up getting referred). The amount of money that you can earn from from this web site is endless. This web site also offers an opportunity for you to drive traffic to a web site or blog because you get to write articles in the site, allowing people to get their site noticed. It doesn't necessarily have to be a web site or blog, but thats what a lot of people are getting into these days. I actually sign up and test web sites because I am a member of the WOT( web of trust)community and I rate sites, so I wouldn't refer someone to a web site that I haven't tried before. If you wish to sign up, follow this link. Once again, this is my link, so I would be your sponsor. www.6dgr.com

3. Zenzuu.com
Zenzuu is another chat site that pays. You might be getting tired of seeing paying chat sites, but it's great money. This site does the same as others but the level goes 10 levels deep. So that means that you could potentially have thousands of people in your downline. You make what your downline make. So if everyone makes $500, you also make $500 from each and everyone of them, plus your own earnings. If you wanna sign up, follow the link, which is mine again. A good idea would be to use these sites at the same time in different tabs, thats what I do.www.zenzuu.com

Talkshoe is a web site that allows you to make money by holding conversations. You can hold the conversation at any giving time you wish to. It can be about anything you want it to be about(except explicit content)and the site allows you to schedule your appointments at anytime you want for how many days out the week you wish. It has another program called Blubbry. You can also earn money from that program(which is a partner of talkshoe), which means you can earn 2 different incomes from one web site. To sign up for this web site, go to www.talkshoe.com. Make sure to check out the talkshoe money program once you finish signing up.

At epinions, you get paid to write reviews on different genres of products that the web site offer. They let you review things from PS3, to action figures, to garden products etc. Its thousands of things that can be reviewed and you get paid to do it. So, the more reviews you write, the more money you will receive. It has different products for everyone, offering something that everyone finds interesting enough to review.

Triond is a web site that allows you to write articles and get paid for it. It isn't going to earn you quick money though. If you are using Triond, you have to be patient. As time progresses, your content will become "hot" and you will start to earn good money. When using Triond, "the more you write, the more you earn". There's a good thing about triond though, it lets you write articles in different languages. So you can write one article and post it in different languages so you can reach a global crowd and earn a lot more money. Many or all of you may only speak one or two languages so you might think it would be hard to reach people globally, THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE WRONG!!!!! I know a web site that allows you to translate written content absolutely free.

7. Utilizing Craigslist
Craigslist is a place where some people offer jobs that require no investments. Sure, some of the work may be kind of odd, but it pays. So check your local listings for work offered by members of Craigslist. Be careful not to give away any personal information, as some of the members there are potential con artists.

Helium is another article web site that allows you to earn money writing articles. The money goes up almost exactly at the same rate as Triond when you are writing your own subjects, but there's something else about this site. You get to go to a place there called the "Marketplace" where you can write about subjects that publishers post up, offering in between $20-$200. You also have a feature where you can write to earn money and awards at the same time. They have a ranking system where people compare articles that are about a similar subject and rate which one is more relevant to the subject and has more valuable information.

Letterrep is a web site that pays you to write letters. People visit this web site with topics that they want writers to write about. The web site has over 2,000 writers so far. It isn't much more to this web site than that though, "write and get paid".

Howtodothings.com This web site offers Google Adsense impression sharing. I haven't made much from this site because I haven't been on it that long. But I make most of my money using chat sites and Google but I make a good amount of money with these article sites as well. Writing for this site, you get to help people with daily questions, earn recognition, and get paid to do so.

Mahalo is a great website(my personal favorite)where you contribute into making the site the best human powered search engine on the web. They allow you to create search pages and they buy them from you if they are good. They have many topics for you to choose from, so it will always be fresh content for you to create. I'm not sure what the most amount of money they pay for pages is(my guess is $100)but the least is $10 per page created. You could write about electronics, games, books, and much more. It's so easy to do. I love this site

ChaCha pays you to be an online guide. While it doesn't always hire, it pays you to help people find what they are looking for online. I didn't get the chance to work for ChaCha, but based on what one of my close friends told me, she makes good money with this site. She says you can be a part time guide or a full time guide, your choice.

Postingdirect is a web site that pays you to post in forums. You can talk about anything that comes to mind. Oh but it does so much more than that, as it allows you to freely advertise your web site or blog in their forums. This means that you will not only earn money with Postingdirect, but the advertising may drive more traffic to your site, meaning(if you have affiliate ads posted up on your web site or blog)you could be earning a lot more money with your affiliate programming.

php-freelance is a place where you can program and/or create web sites for money. Note:experience in web design is required. jobs range in 3 levels, simple, medium, and large projects. Sure it may necessarily be named like that but thats how it is. Simple jobs pay $5-$10 per job. Medium pays $100-$200. And large tasks may pay $1,000-$5,000. Its a great way to potentially earn a living online.

Surveymonster is a web site that gives a list of all the best survey web sites that pay a good amount per survey. Some of them require you to sign up for a lot of discounts and free offers. NOTE:I would advice you all to have a disposable email address that you could use to sign up for all of these free offers, because some of them may potentially be phishing attempts.

Squidoo is a web site similar to Hubpages.com. However, the earning process is a little complicated, as it isn't as well explained as hub pages. It's a good way to promote other web sites or blogs created by you but it doesn't have that much traffic on the site. You have to have a means of promoting your squidoo lenses in order to earn. I honestly have earned little to nothing with this site but I heard a lot of success stories with this site. I failed at this web site, but you may be able to succeed

17. Suite101.com
Suite101 is a professional writing web site that does requires you to offer some of your written work as a sample before they allow you to work for their web site. They actually pay good money there. I don't know if it's my personal experience or someone else's, but I have made hundreds of dollars off this web site. It's kinda hard to gain access to this web site so if you wish to sign up, make sure your content is fully revised, spell check, and long enough or else you will not to get the honor of writing for suite101.

18. Associatedcontent.com
Associatedcontent is a web site that pays you to write. Unlike the others though, this web site pays you upfront for your content. Some topics may be worth $5 per article, some may be $0.02 per article. They show how much you could potentially make so you have the choice on what you wanna write about and how much money you can earn off of this web site.

Bux is (in my opinion) the single most annoying way to make money online that I have ever encountered in my life. You get paid to view ads everyday. You make 1cent(if you don't purchase their premium package)per article view for 30 seconds. Some may offer up to 5 cents and they only give you like 12 articles to view every day(6 minutes of your time).If you know a lot of people(and I mean ALOT)then you could make good money off this web site, as it allows you to refer people(or with the premium package, it automatically refers you to new members)

Clickbank is a web site that allows you to sell your virtual goods. You can make anything useful up and post it up for sell on this web site and hopefully sell it. You can also use their affiliate program and paste ads on your web site or blog and earn revenue