Instant money making websites for you. Start earning from the internet now.

20 ways to make money online NO INVESTMENTS

Yuwie is a chat web site that pays you to be an active member and refer people to their web site. It also offers features that could help you earn money in other ways besides the web site itself. It allows you to post rss feeds of sites as part of your profile page, which means that you can advertise your web site or blog 100% free, potentially drawing more traffic to your web site. It has members offering a lot of different ways to make money online so it could be a good help to you. Everyone's friendly(my opinion) and willing to offer good information to you to help you earn money online. The web site allows you to create your profile and earn money from them absolutely free, so there will be no fees for your efforts. If you wish to sign up, follow the link. Before you do, i want you all to know that this link is a referral by me, so I would be your sponsor.

6dgr is yet another web site that pays you to chat. Unlike Yuwie, it has an extra package to it. Once you refer someone and they become active, you get paid for referring them and for them referring others. Then you get paid for that person referring someone and so forth until it gets 6 levels deep. Hope you are following me with this, because you could be making huge figures from this website (depending on how many people end up getting referred). The amount of money that you can earn from from this web site is endless. This web site also offers an opportunity for you to drive traffic to a web site or blog because you get to write articles in the site, allowing people to get their site noticed. It doesn't necessarily have to be a web site or blog, but thats what a lot of people are getting into these days. I actually sign up and test web sites because I am a member of the WOT( web of trust)community and I rate sites, so I wouldn't refer someone to a web site that I haven't tried before. If you wish to sign up, follow this link. Once again, this is my link, so I would be your sponsor.

Zenzuu is another chat site that pays. You might be getting tired of seeing paying chat sites, but it's great money. This site does the same as others but the level goes 10 levels deep. So that means that you could potentially have thousands of people in your downline. You make what your downline make. So if everyone makes $500, you also make $500 from each and everyone of them, plus your own earnings. If you wanna sign up, follow the link, which is mine again. A good idea would be to use these sites at the same time in different tabs, thats what I
Talkshoe is a web site that allows you to make money by holding conversations. You can hold the conversation at any giving time you wish to. It can be about anything you want it to be about(except explicit content)and the site allows you to schedule your appointments at anytime you want for how many days out the week you wish. It has another program called Blubbry. You can also earn money from that program(which is a partner of talkshoe), which means you can earn 2 different incomes from one web site. To sign up for this web site, go to Make sure to check out the talkshoe money program once you finish signing up.
At epinions, you get paid to write reviews on different genres of products that the web site offer. They let you review things from PS3, to action figures, to garden products etc. Its thousands of things that can be reviewed and you get paid to do it. So, the more reviews you write, the more money you will receive. It has different products for everyone, offering something that everyone finds interesting enough to review.
Triond is a web site that allows you to write articles and get paid for it. It isn't going to earn you quick money though. If you are using Triond, you have to be patient. As time progresses, your content will become "hot" and you will start to earn good money. When using Triond, "the more you write, the more you earn". There's a good thing about triond though, it lets you write articles in different languages. So you can write one article and post it in different languages so you can reach a global crowd and earn a lot more money. Many or all of you may only speak one or two languages so you might think it would be hard to reach people globally, THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE WRONG!!!!! I know a web site that allows you to translate written content absolutely free.

7. Utilizing Craigslist
Craigslist is a place where some people offer jobs that require no investments. Sure, some of the work may be kind of odd, but it pays. So check your local listings for work offered by members of Craigslist. Be careful not to give away any personal information, as some of the members there are potential con artists.
Helium is another article web site that allows you to earn money writing articles. The money goes up almost exactly at the same rate as Triond when you are writing your own subjects, but there's something else about this site. You get to go to a place there called the "Marketplace" where you can write about subjects that publishers post up, offering in between $20-$200. You also have a feature where you can write to earn money and awards at the same time. They have a ranking system where people compare articles that are about a similar subject and rate which one is more relevant to the subject and has more valuable information.
Letterrep is a web site that pays you to write letters. People visit this web site with topics that they want writers to write about. The web site has over 2,000 writers so far. It isn't much more to this web site than that though, "write and get paid". This web site offers Google Adsense impression sharing. I haven't made much from this site because I haven't been on it that long. But I make most of my money using chat sites and Google but I make a good amount of money with these article sites as well. Writing for this site, you get to help people with daily questions, earn recognition, and get paid to do so.
Mahalo is a great website(my personal favorite)where you contribute into making the site the best human powered search engine on the web. They allow you to create search pages and they buy them from you if they are good. They have many topics for you to choose from, so it will always be fresh content for you to create. I'm not sure what the most amount of money they pay for pages is(my guess is $100)but the least is $10 per page created. You could write about electronics, games, books, and much more. It's so easy to do. I love this site
ChaCha pays you to be an online guide. While it doesn't always hire, it pays you to help people find what they are looking for online. I didn't get the chance to work for ChaCha, but based on what one of my close friends told me, she makes good money with this site. She says you can be a part time guide or a full time guide, your choice.
Postingdirect is a web site that pays you to post in forums. You can talk about anything that comes to mind. Oh but it does so much more than that, as it allows you to freely advertise your web site or blog in their forums. This means that you will not only earn money with Postingdirect, but the advertising may drive more traffic to your site, meaning(if you have affiliate ads posted up on your web site or blog)you could be earning a lot more money with your affiliate programming.
php-freelance is a place where you can program and/or create web sites for money. Note:experience in web design is required. jobs range in 3 levels, simple, medium, and large projects. Sure it may necessarily be named like that but thats how it is. Simple jobs pay $5-$10 per job. Medium pays $100-$200. And large tasks may pay $1,000-$5,000. Its a great way to potentially earn a living online.
Surveymonster is a web site that gives a list of all the best survey web sites that pay a good amount per survey. Some of them require you to sign up for a lot of discounts and free offers. NOTE:I would advice you all to have a disposable email address that you could use to sign up for all of these free offers, because some of them may potentially be phishing attempts.
Squidoo is a web site similar to However, the earning process is a little complicated, as it isn't as well explained as hub pages. It's a good way to promote other web sites or blogs created by you but it doesn't have that much traffic on the site. You have to have a means of promoting your squidoo lenses in order to earn. I honestly have earned little to nothing with this site but I heard a lot of success stories with this site. I failed at this web site, but you may be able to succeed

Suite101 is a professional writing web site that does requires you to offer some of your written work as a sample before they allow you to work for their web site. They actually pay good money there. I don't know if it's my personal experience or someone else's, but I have made hundreds of dollars off this web site. It's kinda hard to gain access to this web site so if you wish to sign up, make sure your content is fully revised, spell check, and long enough or else you will not to get the honor of writing for suite101.

Associatedcontent is a web site that pays you to write. Unlike the others though, this web site pays you upfront for your content. Some topics may be worth $5 per article, some may be $0.02 per article. They show how much you could potentially make so you have the choice on what you wanna write about and how much money you can earn off of this web site.
Bux is (in my opinion) the single most annoying way to make money online that I have ever encountered in my life. You get paid to view ads everyday. You make 1cent(if you don't purchase their premium package)per article view for 30 seconds. Some may offer up to 5 cents and they only give you like 12 articles to view every day(6 minutes of your time).If you know a lot of people(and I mean ALOT)then you could make good money off this web site, as it allows you to refer people(or with the premium package, it automatically refers you to new members)
Clickbank is a web site that allows you to sell your virtual goods. You can make anything useful up and post it up for sell on this web site and hopefully sell it. You can also use their affiliate program and paste ads on your web site or blog and earn revenue

Ways To Make Money from the internet.

Majority of internet users are there looking for ways to make money online. There are millions of people on the internet everyday, but only some actually know legitimate ways to make money. I was doing a lot of studying online, searching for ways to make good money online. Sure, there are ways to make money online, but what about “good money”? There aren’t millions of ways to make money online so that’s not even in the question. Although there are many ways to make money online, many people do not know these ways. I will be showing you different ways to make money online on this blog, that's the essence of its existence.

There are different types of ways to make money. What that means is that not all money making opportunities have to be the same. It’s in different genres so to speak. If you like what you are doing, and then you are naturally going to put your all into the project. That’s why I have compiled of list of ways based on the genre that people could make money doing. Think about it this way. Ever had a job that paid good but you absolutely hated it? That hate may have caused you lots of money because you might have called out a lot and didn’t want to show up. The pain is unbearable. Now if you can find something that you love and has the potential to make you a millionaire, then you wouldn’t hesitate to jump into action. The following information is divided into groups/genres to give you an option of what you may want to do.

Options are everything in this world. If you have many options then you will be able to make a good choice. Without options, there are no choices. Maybe you know one way to make money, but you want to do something else. You may just find your passion in here.

Freelance Writing- Freelance writing has become popular over the past few years. People are able to use their hobbies as ways to obtaining money online. If you love to write as much as myself, then you will love what I have to offer you here. The following list is a list of web sites that allow you to freely write for them and earn money in the process. content allows you to write for them like any other freelance writing site. The thing about this site that is different from others is that many are that the articles presented have price tags on them. Say for instance, you are writing about a movie and the article that you are writing for is worth $20, you will get $20 for the article that you have written. Basically, you are writing responses to article titles. Some articles require you to have a good performance, meaning that your article needs to be good. The better your article, the more you will get paid.

Demand Demand Studios posts articles that it’s registered users write on web sites such as Typically, they pay $15 for each article you write. The good thing about this site is that they pay you quickly, at the end of each week. The articles that are needed to be written are easy to write, and the pay rate is good. The only thing about this web site is that you are only allowed to accept 10 assignments at a time, which could put your writing on hold as you wait for them to accept your articles. While doesn’t hire just anybody to write for their web site, those that do get accepted are able to make great money writing articles, as answers to questions that people may have been asking. First, you have to go through 3 weeks of training with this web site. At the end of the training, they will decide if you are eligible for their site or not. You do not get paid for the training but its well worth it. The average minimum monthly payments earned from this site are about $700 for the first 2 years and $500 after that. Some people make up to $2,000 a month working for Daily article is a new article web site. It shows many similarities to Unlike Constant content, they take out 20% of your earnings compared to constant content’s 35%. One thing about this web site is that you give away the full rights to articles or writing material that you have created. That means once you sell your writing, you can’t resell it again because you have no copyright over it anymore. On this site, you get paid to basically write reviews. Essentially, you can review anything that you feel like reviewing. They have three rates. The regular rate varies due to performance. It’s usually $1.50 per review, but it could vary depending on how well your review is. The minimum payout through paypal is $50. This site usually pays people $3 per 300 word blog/post for beginners and $4 per post after completion of the 90 day probationary period. That’s a really easy way to make money. You can write about anything that you put your heart to. Nothing gets excluded at this web site. This is the easiest way to earn money online because there aren’t any set topics available here. This web site uses blogs for income. You make a blog and you place it to this web site. Not sure how it works but the posts that you place on that blog could be worth in between $20 and $200 per post. Suite101 is a professional writing web site for the experienced writers. Mistakes are not tolerated here, so for those who aren’t good at writing shouldn’t come to this web site. You are required to offer a sample article as a little taste of what you can do for them. This is a site based on knowledge. If you know a lot about a particular subject, then you should come here to try and earn some money. They allow you to request topics to write about, so if you do not want to write about something that this web site may offer, you can request a topic that’s more suitable for you. They also allow you to win journalism rewards, making you more recognizable in the writing community. They offer writing competitions that offer cash prizes ranging from $10 to $120. It’s a great way for someone to earn a good amount of money. As the name of this web site suggests, you are a ghostwriter who is waiting for someone to purchase your writing. Besides the fact that the web site is surrounded by Google Adsense ads, it’s a pretty good way to earn money online. Word firm is one of those experienced web sites that have been around for years. This web site is looking for experienced writers, copy editors, and graphic designers. The writing for this web site is very strict and could be troublesome for those who haven’t mastered the art of writing. Hubpages is my personal favorite site to write for. There are different types of writers (they call us hubbers). There are regular writers, and then there are flagship writers. A regular writer doesn’t get paid to write, but earn money based on page impressions and affiliate programs. Flagship writers get paid in between $25 and $40 per article (hub) they publish. They also get to use affiliate programs like any other writer on the site. Flagship writers have a limit of 30 flagship hubs per month. There are four different available affiliate programs that work with Hubpages. You could use Amazon, Ebay, Kontera, and Google Adsense. That’s 4 different strings of income, not to mention the money earned from Hubpages itself. The article writing is very creative. They allow you to place images, news, rss feeds, and videos into your written content to better explain yourself. Triond allows you to write articles and earn money based on page impressions. You do not get a flat payment for every article you publish. The more impressions you get, the more money you will make. xomba is a free community where you can earn money to write. It’s a free community. Something like a forum site mixed with a chat site. You make friends, write, and make comments, share ideas, and get paid, that simple. This site is similar to hubpages. It offers capsules that allow you to post images, videos, and written content on pages and earn money from page impressions.

Answering Questions-Believe it or not, people are being paid online just for answering questions. You’d be surprised at how much money people are willing to pay to get the information that they want. There are web sites online that allow you to give out your knowledge for profit. Some of these sites even allow you to bid on how much money your knowledge is worth. This is a great way to earn money online and the following information is based on web sites that allow you to earn money online. Expert bee is a web site where people ask questions and pay a certain amount of money to the lucky person who has been chosen to answer that question. Many people are beginning to use this web site because it’s very useful and a good way to make money online. Bids usually range from $1 to $100. There are some bids that may exceed $100, depending on the severity of the question. The public is desperate for answers and you are desperate for money. A match made in heaven. Another one of those web sites that allows you to earn money answering questions. Not as sophisticated as Expert Bee, but it could still generate a great deal of income for those hard working, intelligent people who sign up for this web site. Chacha is a web site that allows you to become an online guide. An online guide is someone who answers questions. It’s sort of like a search engine, but with humans. You can answer questions received either from the computer or through the phone. It’s a great way to generate some extra income This web site is…..shall I say, strange. It’s a place for those with high tech questions and those who have those high tech answers. The web site is for those who have experience with technology. This is a very strange site to anyone who doesn’t have much technological knowledge. This web site is one of those NOW web sites. Live experts online help people with questions they may have. You can sign up for this web site, but it isn’t like other sites. You have to be available at all times to receive a requested question or you will miss out on it. They offer software for your computer that allows you to receive requests when you are asked a question by a customer. Guruza is a new web site that allows people to answer questions and receive payments. The questions are “relatively stupid” a lot of the time. It should be easy for most people to earn money using this site.

Affiliate Marketing Programs- Affiliate marketing is one of the most profitable ways to make money online for anyone. There are many companies to suggest. I won’t be naming the obvious programs, such as Google Adsense, but this is a great list. There are now more trusted companies making affiliate marketing apart of their business. Companies are matching popular content that people prefer to view. Here is a handsome list of affiliate programs: Admob is a company that specializes in mobile content. If you have a mobile web site, you can use this program to advertise on your site. Although Google has this feature as well, some mobile web sites are not compatible with Google, so Admob is a great alternative to making money online. Admob works with majority of the mobile sites. It even works with subdomain sites. Clickbank is a web site that allows you to become an affiliate marketer and sell your items. You must have your own web site and domain name to be able to sell your items (particularly ebooks), but you could use any type of site to use the affiliate program. People have made beautiful income using this web site. I myself make at least $2,000 at the most every month. That’s because I spend most of my time with Google, but it’s worth a shot. $2,000 for someone who uses 4 different affiliate programs is great. Imagine if this were my only program I was using. The income would skyrocket. But if you love money, use this site. There are 2 different ways to earn, take advantage of it. Yes, you seeing this correctly. Gamestop now has an affiliate program. The most trusted gaming company has opened an affiliate program. I also use this site. Although I don’t earn as much as my other affiliate programs, I do earn enough. When people see the gamestop logo, they are going to click because the trust this company has built with the public is unparallel. Affiliates with Maxbounty earn money from advertising sponsors on a pay for performance basis. This site has both in house managed campaigns for you to advertiste, and merchants wanting direct relationships with you. Beyond one of the industry’s best and unique reporting systems. An affiliate program with a porn site. Want to know how much money that could generate. Considering that 1/3 of Americans watch pornography, chances of getting paid from this site are damn near 100%. Leader market is an affiliate program that allows you to earn a little side money. By little side money, I mean a little side money. This site isn’t as good as sites like Yahoo publisher or Google Adsense, but it could bring a little money to your pockets. Liquid web has an affiliate program. The ads that are displayed aren’t as “creative” as other sites, but they pay a good amount of money for advertising them. Adbrite is basically the normal alternative to Adsense. Everyone seems to enjoy using this site. The text link ads are very attractive and draw in clicks easily. Although the adbrite revenue is sometimes half that of Adsense, it’s a great company for larget business web sites. Adbrite is a great program if you have an adult web site (which Adsense doesn’t allow). Kontera is an affiliate program that earns revenue for impressions and clicks. The ads can be popped up if hovered over, easily getting more clicks and generating more revenue. This is one of the powerhouse affiliate programs. Usually powerhouse programs generate powerhouse money, and that’s exactly what it does. Amazon has an affiliate program that allows you to sell items from their site. You have the choice to choose what you want to sell to the public. Just by choosing a keyword, items related to that keyword will show up and be available to the public. You also get a little revenue due to page impressions. Ebay is the same way that Amazon is, except that Ebay doesn’t just hire anyone. They have turned down a lot of people. I’ve been turned down 4 times, but it can generate excellent income.

Porn Affiliate Programs- Statistics show that pornography is one of the most (if not the single most) popular subject on the internet to date. It’s a sure way to draw in traffic and make great sells, earning lots of money from commission per sell. The following list below is sites that offer porn affiliate programs to its members.
- Nicheshop has three different types of porn stores that you are able to advertise. You earn up to 55% of commission for every sell that you get. They specialize in attracting customers of all different sexual attractions. The products are priced low, meaning that you are more likely to have a constant stream of customers coming in. All you do is advertise products, so they can sell, and you earn commission every item you sell. Offering pornographic material to those who enjoy punk/alternative rock girls. Just like any other porn program, you get paid to sell items. Market health is an affiliate program that sells health products. Using the same money making method as any other get paid to sell affiliate program, you sell products online and get paid a certain amount of commission to use these programs. This program allows you to advertise products such as herbs and medicines, appealing to the health community. Buy DVD porn is a web site that allows you to create your own online pornography store, selling products offered by their company. Once your store is finished, you can sell products from your web site. As the name may suggest, it is a gay porn site. This homosexual site allows affiliates to earn 60% commission per sell you make.

Stock market- The stock market is a great place to earn money. Using the internet to buy and sell stock is great also. What if I were to tell you that you can play in the stock market for free? That’s right, no risk at all. Matter of fact, what if I told you that you could earn money playing a risk free stock market game? Yeah, sounds too good to be true, but it’s possible. It started with me using virtual simulations of the stock market to learn some things before I decide to invest my hard earned money into the market, but I found out that I can earn money just for playing a virtual simulation. It isn’t that many legit sites out there, but I will show two sites that I know are worthy. Wall Street survivor is a fantasy wall street stock market game, offering a virtual simulation of the real stock market with all the real rules and regulations. Learning how to use the stock market is a great way to earn great money in the future. But for now, you can earn a little extra side money by using this virtual simulation to learn how to use the stock market while you earn a few extra dollars in your pocket when you meet the game requirements in this battle of the stocks game. Another virtual stock market game with the same rules as the real stock market. The payment plans are similar to You have to meet certain criteria to get paid and win prizes, just as you would on

Video Advertisement- Videos are a great way to make money online. You make money by placing ads on your videos and when people click those ads, you earn money and get a certain percentage of the earnings. Youtube lets you utilize Google Adsense for video when you are a regular uploader to the site and have thousands of views of your videos. So upload regularly and you could be generating a large size income from the number one video site in the world. Ulinkx is a website that allows you to utilize Google Adsense without meeting the criteria that YouTube requires. You can upload videos from YouTube, metacafe, myspace, and more. When you place ads on your videos, you gain revenue from clicks A site where people upload videos. If your video shows up on the home page, you could earn up to $2,000. You can publish things on this site and sell it. Videos, audio, ebooks, etc. Revenue sharing program. Blip allows you to post videos on their site and earn money from them. There are many different ways to advertise your videos on their site with a variety of different options. Vuze allows you to make content with ads so that you can generate revenue, or make it free with no ads at all.

Other Ways to make money online- These following ways don’t really fall into a category, but they could generate good revenue. You get to upload a product review to this site. You can earn up to $10.00 per review This site is a place where everyone with podcasts and those who are interested to make money with their podcasts. Odiogo is a free site that also allows you to generate advertising revenue. You may qualify if your listenership level reaches a higher level. We7 shares money that’s made from the sites ads with downloaded music. Revenue sharing program.

Online paying Survey websites for Nigerians Vol 4


Read this well: Even if you decided not to work or register in any survey website, except this one, if you do it well you can make $500 to $1,000 in 60-90 days from now without investing more than 4 hours a week.

Here is what you should do:
[1] Open Vindale website

[2]In your registration, you can use a Nigerian address, so like i said in the above page you either use graph card address or your home address. The choice is yours!

[3]After your registration you can start browsing from the normal Nigerian I.P address, just ensure that you register using a foreign I.P address.

[4]This is an important part, you will be asked to pay about $3 to complete your registration. My friend this is very vital and you should consider doing it. Your registration of $3 is not to withdraw your money but like I said earlier it s just to prove to them that you are really serious.

To do this you will need a graphcard VISA CARD you only need to fund your graph card account with just $30, $5 for your virtual address, $15 for VISA card and $3 for registration in vindale website. To fund your graph card account you need to reach me with If you cant do that,[you can pay us in Naira and we will generate your VISA creditcard for you]. The same day you account will be funded and once it is funded you will be able to generate a visa card instantly. That means you can start now and the same day get your visa card and start getting jobs immediately.

Once you have finalize your registration. Go to bed!. Because jobs will be sent to you almost daily and they are always highly priced, I am talking of jobs from $20 to $50 that means four to five jobs a month is all you need to make your $250. And once the money start coming you can open multiple accounts to double or triple your income. But get wise, when opening multiple accounts use different systems, if they know they might close your accounts.

So my friend are you ready to make $250 in 30 days, then vindale is a great online survey agent that can make that happen for you! Just follow the steps above and I am 100% sure that you will send me testimonies.

Online paying Survey websites for Nigerians Vol 3

I tried one of those online survey sites about 4 months ago that say all you have to do is spend a couple of minutes filling out some surveys and you will be making a lot of money every day . . .YEAH RIGHT, I didn’t make anything.

I joined 7 of these stupid websites and I actually tried filling out a couple of surveys on each site and they took forever then at the end they wanted me to buy things or I couldn’t complete the survey.These are complete scams so be aware!!! I couldn’t believe they were even allowed to sell such bogus products.

Then about 2 weeks ago I was watching the news and they had some vice presidents and marketing managers of some major multi-milliondollar companies talking about a site that they personally work with to pay consumers for their opinion, a site that actually just wants the “average Joe’s” honest opinion on website and services and is willing to pay big money to get them.Click here to visit this great website.

I tried this site out and it is the only one I have ever seen that actually pays you just to evaluate some websites. I had gotten over $100 in less than 2 weeks, thats more than i have earned in such websites.

This is the only legit survey site online, so if you are interested in acquiring as much as a hundred per day just giving your opinions then make sure you check this out. Click here to visit this great website.

This is what you to should do:

Click “Create A Free Account“.

When you have created your account, login and when on your account home page, scroll down and look under”The Following Surveys are Available:”

Take the surveys one at a time and check your account balance at the end of each survey you take and see how it increases. There are surveys of $4 and some of $6 in these surveys and each takes less than 2 minutes. By the time you finish taking them, your account balance would have read at least $26-$27. This includes your $6 bonus you get for joining.

Get started here now

Online paying Survey websites for Nigerians Vol 2

In this method i want to introduce you to a survey website called CASHCRATE and their website is cashcrate. Do not click the link now. I will show you how to do it. This is a fantastic website because once join this website now, you are paid $1 instantly and not just that you will get like 50 jobs waiting for you!

Right now as I am typing this just checked my account and i have more than 67 jobs waiting for me to complete and the minimum each job is offering me is 30 cent that is $0.30. Which means if i decide to complete all of the jobs i would make like $20.1 right now [ I mean in less than 1 hr which will be like $300 at the end of the month]

The awesome thing again about this website called: cashcrate is that they will pay you 20% of what your referrals make, which means anytime you invite someone to the website and the person takes a survey, what ever amount he is paid, you will get a percentage of 20%. And when the person gets to $10 [which can be done the same day of registration] you will be paid a whooping $3 instantly.

So get 20 of your friends and if they make $10 each you will get an extra $3 plus 20% income in whatever they are paid!.

To started today,

go to

Copy and paste this link into the search box of indirect connection and click go or press enter on the keyboard. Read all their instruction and get to work. The way to ensure you makes $250 in 30 days from now is to do the followings: Open like 3 to 5 different account with them using different emails. Then fill up all the jobs in all the account that you have opened with them and like i said, a U.S.A I.P address and virtual address is important.

Then go ahead and start referring people to join the website through your referral link that will be given to you immediately you register. Don’t worry about ways to get people to join your referral link as I have dedicated some pages in this e-book talking about that. So you just keep reading!

Once again cashcrate is an online survey website that gives you jobs instantly.

How To Get More Jobs From Cash Crate

If you have a debit card, i can guarantee you more than $500 from this website alone. You see every body wants to deal with someone serious right? So is this website.

As you scan through their jobs you will see some jobs that are willing to pay you more than $3 or more, i have seen jobs as high as $16 from just 4 minutes survey.

Unfortunately this offer will be completed with a credit or debit card. Check my next blog posting for free info on how you can obtain your own debit or creditcard even as a Nigerian.

You can also check out More Survey websites here!

Online paying Survey websites for Nigerians Vol 1

Hello there,

How is the journey to online stardom going? I know it is quite interesting because personally I enjoy seeing my account credited from just filling some forms online. If you are yet to understand the filling of what am sharing, dont despair. My advice for you is to make sure you dont proscastinate but jump upon any opportunity that comes your way. After all, you have nothing to lose.

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Ads revenue sharing program reviews.

Digital Point Forums

Digital Point Forums is a form site for webmasters.
Details of Revenue Sharing:

What we have done is setup a system so the ad revenue can be shared between all active members of this forum.

This forum displays one advertisement in the upper right area as well is inline when viewing a thread. We use Google AdSense to automatically serve relevant ads for the content on the page. Google pays AdSense publishers on a per click basis as well as per impression.

If a user has an AdSense account, they have the ability to credit their account with the ads served on threads they start or participate in.

Simpy is a social bookmarking site.
Details of Revenue Sharing: Simpy has support for Google AdSense as a third party. Each Simpy member has his/her main page on Simpy (e.g. ). Every Simpy member can now enter his/her Google AdSense Id into Simpy, and his/her page will immediately start showing ads with his/her Id. All earnings from such ads go to members, as their Ids are used to display ads. The same may soon start happening on the search results page, and on the user profile page, once that is ready. Your page, your data, your ads, your money.

Joomlaya is a Joomla!/Mambo Download Portal.
Details of Revenue Sharing:For articles you contribute, your AdSense ID will be used 75% of the time when displaying the full article. There is also a chance that your AdSense ID will be used when you comment on the articles.

For forums postings in the single post view, your Adsense ID will be used 75% of the time for posts submitted by you. In thread view, your AdSense ID will be used some percentage of time when you have posts in the thread. The exact formula for calculating the ad showing percentages is not, and will not be, disclosed. Rest assured, more than 75% of the ad show times are dedicated posters in the thread. is a web community devoted to sharing the latest in kernel development news.
Details of Revenue Sharing:If you have a Google AdSense account and would like to make money from your original contributions to, enter your Google Adsense account ID here. Google AdSense ads will be displayed with your original content, and 80% of the revenue generated from these ads will be credited to your account.

Xpress Ideas is an article directory.
Details of Revenue Sharing:You will notice that on our article detail pages we serve up Google Adsense ads in three places - on the right, in the middle of the article, and at the bottom. If you have a Google Adsense ID, you can enter that ID when you register on the site. The Google Ads in the middle of the article will have YOUR Google Adsense ID in, meaning that if anybody who clicks on those ads, even on OUR site, YOU get the revenue!

Work From Home Forums is a forum about working from home.
Details of Revenue Sharing:After you’ve racked up 50 posts, the revenue sharing kicks in. On every thread you start, one out of three page views will display your AdSense ID instead of that of This means that when people click the ads on your threads, you earn money.

Article Codex is an article directory site
Details of Revenue Sharing:When you have entered your own ID it will be displayed in any articles you have submitted 50% of the time.

Cybersist is place to share your photos and blog, free webmail, file storage and more.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Your Google ads will be displayed in 7 different locations on your public blog and photo pages. Those ads are specifically optimized to allow better penetration of the ads. Any click on those ads will generate a revenue for you through AdSense.

Downline Partners is a constantly growing community of Internet marketers working together for the common good.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Also, in the search engine category, there is a Google search homepage that uses the Google AdSense program. As a member, you can enter your Google AdSense ID in your Downline Partners� link management center and that will customize the Google AdSense search page in your referral Homepages to display your Google ads! This means that all your downline members will see your Google ads whenever they use their Google Dynamic Homepage enabling you to leverage your AdSense advertising!

IDN Forums is the first English forum to focus on multilingual domain names. We are the top online resource for domain buyers & sellers who are entering the international domain name market.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Google contextual ads (Google Adsense) that are served on the site have a 50% chance of showing ads from our Adsense account or 50% chance of being ads from our member’s account.
Then after you have 30 post on the forum you are able to participate & have the potential to earn revenue.

Blogger Party is a blog host.
Details of Revenue Sharing:All you have to do is blog. We will market what you write. In exchange, our Adsense ads will display on your blogs 50% of the time. The other 50%, they’re yours. Plus, you can increase your revenue by referring others and getting your ads displayed on their blogs 25% of the time.

Nameslot is a domain name forum where users buy, sell & talk domains.
Details of Revenue Sharing:By default 50% of the ads comes from board owner. Other 25% of ads are displayed who starts the new thread and remaining 25% of the ads are displayed randomly from the users who replies to that particular topic. Different sites has different ratios and conditions.

Domain Name Portal - forum to discuss, sell & buy domain names.
Details of Revenue Sharing:The revenue earned from adsense on all threaded pages at dnp forumgoes to the forum owner and thread starters by 50:50.To be eligible to earn adsense revenue, your post counts should be at least 50.

Hot Web Tools is an article directory focused on webmasters.
Details of Revenue Sharing:For everytime you submit your article to our index, your advertising code is used to display Google Adsense on the articles that you had submitted. We don’t rotate your code! It will be shown 100%!

HTTPPoint is a forum for webmasters.
Details of Revenue Sharing:50% of the ads are shared between the participants of a certain thread and HTTPpoint.
Technically speaking the poster has a little bit more chance to get their Client ID, but generally speaking it does not matter. The more you participate the better for you. And you also need to have a minimum of 10 posts.

Rummage4Money is a search directory.
Details of Revenue Sharing:By creating detailed pages that link to your site, you will be creating content pages that will display revenue generating ads. uses Google AdSense to automatically serve relevant ads for the content that members create. Google pays AdSense publishers on a per click basis. If a member enter their Google AdSense pub information, the members Google AdSense ads will displayed thoughout the site as long as the member is an active user. The members ads will displayed randomly based who the viewer is.

NamePros is a site for buying selling and discussing domain names.
Details of Revenue Sharing:You must be a NamePros member for 30 days and have at least 50 total posts within the forum to participate in Revenue Sharing. Once you reach that qualification, your ads will have a chance to display on all posts you have ever participated in the past.

Member Adsense code is displayed 50% of the time a thread is viewed. That 50% is divided between all participating members in the thread that are part of the revenue sharing program.

HostSeeker is a forum about webhosting.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Your Adsense code will be displayed 75% of the time a thread is viewed. That 75% is divided between all participating members in the thread that are part of the revenue sharing program.

WritingUp is a blog hosting service.
Details of Revenue Sharing:We serve ads on the pages that have your content. Half the time you make money on the ads. Half the time we do.

ArticleTrader is an article submission site.
Details of Revenue Sharing:We have setup a system to share the AdSense revenue generated by every article that you submitted.
If you have an AdSense account, you can enter you ID in your account (once you are logged in). You will then receive 50% of the impressions of all articles that you submitted to this site.

ArticleWise is an article submission site.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Your ads will appear next to every article you submit.

DotNetKicks is a community based news site for Dot Net.
Details of Revenue Sharing:For every story that you submit, your AdSense ID will be used 50% of the views of that story. Send a mail to if you would like to participate. is a Irish community based news site.
Details of Revenue Sharing: For every story that you submit, your AdSense ID will be used 50% of the views of that story. Send a mail to if you would like to participate.

ForuMatrix is a news posting site.
Details of Revenue Sharing:The posts you will make, will display 100% your Adsense Banner. No time limits or banner rotations. It’s simple, your Posts with your banners always

ScratchProjects is a programming code article site.
Details of Revenue Sharing:When you have submitted an article, you’ll have the option of giving us your Google Adsense ID. Your ID will be displayed in any articles you have submitted 50% of the time.

Senserely is an AdSense community.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Everytime you submit a new content you earn 1 point. At first you need 3 points in order to have your AdSense Publisher ID inserted in your content pages. Then when you�ll earn 2 more you�ll pass the minimum threshold of 5 points in order to have your ID inserted in all other pages. The more points you�ll have earned the better share you�ll get from the other pages.

My Life of Travel is an Travel blog site.
Details of Revenue Sharing: As long as you create a minimum of 10 journal entries containing a story about your trip, you can add your Google AdSense� publisher ID to your My Life of Travel account settings and earn money whenever someone sees or clicks on your ads. is an technology focued user contributed article site for parents.
Details of Revenue Sharing:For tips, news and articles you contribute, your AdSense ID will be used 50% of the time when displaying the full content. When more than one Google Ads are show on one page, all the ads are shown using the same selected AdSense Client ID. is an site where users can give their opinions on various topics.
Details of Revenue Sharing:The idea is pretty simple - if you contribute to the RateItAll community - whether it be by creating Weblists, creating new listings for existing ratings lists, creating a user profile with a picture, or referring friends, we want you to share in the advertising revenue associated with those contributions.

So what we’re doing is taking this Adsense program one step farther. We’re going to help every RateItAll member get their own Adsense account, which they can then use to make money off of their contributions to RateItAll. is a free directory that anyone can edit.
Details of Revenue Sharing:It is easy to use to earn advertising revenue. There are two ways to do it:

1. Link to Traffic sent from your link will display Google Ads using your Adsense ID.
2. Create your own category/tag pages.

The Rant is a college football and sports forum.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Adsense revenue sharing means all ad revenue can be shared between active members of this forum. We use Google AdSense to automatically serve relevant ads for the content on each thread. If you have an Adsense account, you could receive credit for any ad clicks in threads you start or if you’re the last poster in a thread.

You must have at least 5 posts within the forum. If you’ve entered your Google ID, ads will show retroactively once you reach that level.
For threads you start, your AdSense client ID will be used 30% of the time AND your Adsense ID will also be shown 20% of the time in threads where you’re the last poster. So if you start a thread and are the last poster, there is a 50% chance your ad will be shown.

Flixya is a video sharing site.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Our revenue share model offers 100% ad revenue to all contributing members. is an article directory.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Revenue sharing normally means that the revenue is shared between the author and the article directory, didn`t really “share” the revenue generated trough your articles instead you gain 100% revenue, your advertisement is shown 100% of the time and you get paid directly trough Google, we do not have anything to do with your earnings.

As goodie you can use on top of adsense, chitika emini malls and each author has an personal paypal donation link at the bottom of his article, so satisfied readers can donate the one or other dollar to their favorite writer.

P.S Not only you get 100% of the revenue, your advertisement is not hidden at our site, we give you the most prominent spot right on top of the site (Skyscraper) and two other ads at the bottom of each article.

Swicki is a site that allows you to create custom searches.
Details of Revenue Sharing: After you have saved your ad program preferences, ads will immediately begin appearing on your swicki’s results pages.
For each active ad program on your swicki, you’ll be credited with 50% of the ad impressions and clicks. The balance will be credited to Eurekster.

YouSayToo is a blog community.
Details of Revenue Sharing:50% of the advertisements displayed by Google Adsense at belong to us and the other 50% of the advertisements displayed by Google Adsense are divided among users who have a rating of 2+.

Saviffy is an article blog.
Details of Revenue Sharing:You enter your Google Adsense Publisher Id. - We publish it and draw traffic for you. - We serve relevant ads on your articles. - Visitors click the ads. - You keep 100% of all the money generated from Google Adsense. - Google sends you a check. is a music based social networking site.
Details of Revenue Sharing:If you started the discussion you collect 95 % of revenues from the ad block below the opening post.
If you are the last answering poster in a discussion thread you collect 90 % of revenues from the ad block below the last post. You can collect 80 % of revenues from ads on your forum profile pages.

HYIP Blog is a blog about HYIP, PTS, google adsense, and others.
Details of Revenue Sharing:100% at the author’s permalink post(s)/article(s)

Xomba is an article directory.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Splits the ad revenue with you 50/50 on everything you post.

FritterWare is a Digg-like systemfor free web-based or downloadable games. .
Details of Revenue Sharing:Currently, Fritterware is giving 100% of Adsense revenue to its users. is a forum for bloggers.
Details of Revenue Sharing:After 100 posts, 50% revenue sharing kicks in. is a forum for web development & design issues.
Details of Revenue Sharing: Thread starters and last posters will share 100% of the Adsense earnings.

Zizula Forums is a general forum.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Percantage varies, for example new members may only get 10%, whilst veteran members may get 80%.

ScreenDig is an entertainment community.
Details of Revenue Sharing:We’ll show your ads 50% of the time on every page of every site that you create on ScreenDig. is a forum for web masters.
Details of Revenue givers our posters 100% of the AdSense Revenue on all posts The person that creates the first post of a thread will have their ad shown 90% of the time and the last person to reply will have their ad shown 10% of the time. is a stock photography site.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Contributing photographers can keep 80% of all the ad revenue generated by their submissions. is a video sharing site.
Details of Revenue Sharing:When people visit your video 50% of the advertising revenue goes to you.

AuctionCUT is a forum for EBay and online auction discussion.
Details of Revenue Sharing:Everytime you make a new thread there is a 50% chance your the google ads shown will contain your publisher code.

AdSense Revenue Sharing Sites

This is a list of sites where AdSense publisher can use their own AdSense IDs to earn money. Note that Nairahub does not endorse any of these sites. It’s your responsibility to thoroughly investigate the legitimacy of each site before handing over your AdSense ID to them.

Digital Point Forums
Work From Home Forums
IDN Forums
Domain Name Portal
The Rant
Zizula Forums

Blog Hosting
Blogger Party
My Life Of Travel

Article Directories
Xpress Ideas
Article Codex
Hot Web Tools

Simpy (bookmarking)
Joomlaya (Joomlah!/Mambo)
Downline Partners (online mktg)
Rummage4Money (search)
ScratchProjects (code) tagging)
Flixya(video sharing)
Swicki(custom search)
Freerange Stock(stock photos) sharing)

News Communities

List of Google AdSense Revenue Sharing Sites

his is a list of sites where AdSense publisher can use their own AdSense IDs to earn money. Note that Nairahub does not endorse any of these sites. It’s your responsibility to thoroughly investigate the legitimacy of each site before handing over your AdSense ID to them.

Digital Point Forums
Work From Home Forums
IDN Forums
Domain Name Portal
The Rant
Zizula Forums

Blog Hosting
Blogger Party
My Life Of Travel
Article Directories
Xpress Ideas
Article Codex
Hot Web Tools

Simpy (bookmarking)
Joomlaya (Joomlah!/Mambo)
Downline Partners (online mktg)
Rummage4Money (search)
ScratchProjects (code) tagging)
Flixya(video sharing)
Swicki(custom search)
Freerange Stock(stock photos) sharing)

News Communities